As a web developer, from me to you, here is what you will need to create a website with as little non-sense as possible. Essentially, every website in the world was accomplished with utilizing three things.
They are:
1) Website Code editor
2) Hosting Server
3) Internet Client
Let’s take these one at a time…
Website Code Editor: Websites are created in some sort of Language… a programming language. Whether it is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages on the .Net platform (ASP.Net), Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) or some other web programming language all websites were created in some sort of web programming language or markup language.
So do you need to learn programming to make a website? You will be happy to hear the answer is... No. You do not need to become an expert in web languages to produce a website. Many companies have created what are called “What you see is what you get” (WSYWIG) web page editors. These products allow you to “drag and drop” and graphically build your way to a website by converting the pages that you create on the screen into internet code (HTML Code). When used by a skilled graphic artist these web page editors can provide a method to create artistic, aesthetically pleasing, and “eye catching” websites. If you are looking to bootstrap your business website this may be a very good choice to quickly start your online presence. However, as with any line of products the price of different products may vary depending greatly on the capabilities, popularity, and brand of the product.
What is the difference? Why would I ever pay more? The answer Options! The free web page editors can be great. However, it should be mentioned that they may not fill all of your future website needs. You may eventually need to hire a specialist such as a programmer or a consultant to help create complex billing systems, encryption schemes, or online web applications built specifically for your companies needs.
But I suspect right now you’ll just want to get started! So is there a problem starting with a free web page editor? Not at all… In fact, some web developers with several years of experience can create web pages with just a simple text editor such as notepad or any other basic text editor.
Hosting Server: Once you have created your website code you will need to place it on a computer that can be accessed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is called a Hosting server or hosting service. Why use a hosting service? Hosting services specialize in the upkeep and maintenance of high powered servers on a 24x7 basis. Can you imaging trying to worry about keeping your computer on and functioning 24x7? What would you do if the power went out or if your computers “froze” while you were away preventing your business from doing any business online? Hosting companies allow you to leverage your dollars by using space on high powered servers maintained by professionals for your business needs and your website.
So how do you pick a hosting service? You will need to choose a company that has technology that matches the language that your website was coded with. For example if your site is coded in HTML you will just need a server with HTML capabilities (this is a very common service). However, if you chose to write your website code with a language such as JSP, ASP, or CFML you MUST find a hosting service that has servers with JSP, ASP, or CFML capabilities (or your website will not function correctly).
The prices of hosting may vary depending on what language you choose and the options you are sold. I have seen hosting as cheap as under $10 a month and as expensive as several hundred dollars a month. Keeping this in mind, if you are new to web technologies try and keep your websites utilizing HTML only as it is the most widely used and usually the cheapest price for monthly hosting services.
The last part… the Internet Client.
The good news is that this is the easiest part of a website. The Internet Client is the program that you use to view web page for example Internet Explorer or FireFox. Still not sure what I am talking about? What ever program you used to view this article IS the internet client. Easy right? Right!
Is this all you need to know? Absolutely NOT! As stated in the beginning, this is a very Quick and Dirty description of how to get started on creating a website. How much more is there? Well, that depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you are trying to create a company that processes transactions solely on the internet you will need quite a bit more research on e-commerce, database development, search engine optimization (SEO), and a plethora of ancillary topics.
If you are not in a hurry to create your website and you want to be come proficient in web technologies I would recommend choosing one web language, getting a good reference book, and practicing it very often and every day if possible. However, if you are just looking to create an online presence that tells the world that you are in business 24 hours a day 7 days a week and how to contact you these three steps should get you on your way!